Tenant Handbook
Building Emergency Response Team
The Building Emergency Response Team includes Building Management, Building Engineering and Tenant Floor Wardens. At properties where every defined team member is not available, the property manager or their designate is responsible. The responsibilities of the team members include:
Building Management Staff Responsibilities
- Supervise and monitor the Fire Safety Program
- Be completely familiar with the Fire Safety Plan
- Organize Fire Safety Plan and fire prevention training for all staff and tenants
- Maintain a list of all individuals requiring special assistance in the event of an emergency
- Assign and maintain an up-to-date list of Tenant Floor Wardens
- Conduct fire drills and evaluate the effectiveness of the Fire Safety Plan
- Supervise a sound fire prevention program that includes regular inspections
- Supervise regular inspections of fire and life safety equipment
- Supervise regular inspections of fire exits to be sure they are passable
- Maintain the Tenant Emergency Information forms
Engineering Staff Responsibilities
- Maintain up-to-date set of floor plans
- Maintain up-to-date set of plans and/or diagrams of building mechanical systems
- Maintain and regularly test building alarm system
- Maintain and regularly test sprinkler and standpipe systems
- Conduct safety checks on equipment and systems if an emergency occurs
Tenant Floor Wardens Responsibilities
- Be completely familiar with the floor arrangement, the number of floor occupants and the location of floor exits
- Make new employees aware of the Fire Safety Plan
- Formulate the traffic pattern to use for emergency stair exits
- Maintain an up-to-date list of all personnel requiring assistance if evacuation is required
- Know location and usage of fire fighting equipment on the floor
- Inspect and ensure that all emergency exits are accessible
- Check daily for fire hazards
- Assure that all persons on the floor are notified of fire and all are evacuated to safe areas
- Conduct a search of common areas for persons and evacuate them to safe areas